
Vitríny s UV fólií

your price:
10 300 Kč
Display cases no.1 with UV filter, glass - thickness 6 mm, door glass - thickness 5 mm, safety-lock with 2 keys.
your price:
12 400 Kč
Display cases no.2 with UV filter, glass - thickness 6 mm, door glass - thickness 5 mm, safety-lock with 2 keys.
your price:
12 700 Kč
Table display cases no.3 with UV filter, compact of metal varnished support with legs and glass top, safety-lock. 
vaše cena od:
497 Kč
Archival polyester film, non-adhesive, for protecting pictures and dokuments from damaging invisible ultraviolet (UV) light. Filters out 99% of harmful ultraviolet light transmissions. 
vaše cena od:
375 Kč
Archival polyester window film, self-adhesive, for protecting windows glass, books and dokuments from damaging invisible ultraviolet (UV) light. Filters out 99% of harmful ultraviolet light transmissions.  
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