
Pomůcky pro knihovny

your price:
365 Kč
EasyDOT® Tabulová fólie
Snadno změníte cokoliv na tabuli
vaše cena od:
277 Kč
Ekologický nákupní košík do každé knihovny, vyrobený ze 100 % recyklovatelného plastu o objemu 26 l, madlo ve 4 atraktivních barevných odstínech.
your price:
522 Kč
H-Bands - Four-way rubber band construction applies even pressure over the surface of a book. 
vaše cena od:
45 Kč

The machine has two rolls and heat-resistant device to ensure laminate properly.

your price:
233 Kč
Archival quality pens, waterproof, pH-neutral and chemical-resistant, ideal for acid-free environments with excellent archival ink performance. 
your price:
364 Kč
No more flappy pages! Gently but firmly hold open the pages of displayed books. Crystal clear book strips are soft and drapeable. 
vaše cena od:
96 Kč
pH testing pen - distinguishes between safe alkaline or unsafe (acidic) board. Easy-to-use pen contains a solution that indicates acid content by ink color when applied to paper.
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